King Henry VIII by William Shakespeare
Shakespeare Project 2020After so many battle scenes in the other history plays, this one was very tame.
Henry VIII (yes the one with all the wives) is marred to Catherine who has not produced a son so he wants to divorce her to marry Anne Boleyn (Bullen in our play) but the church doesn't allow it - he does it anyway.

There are corrupt clergy.
Anne bears Henry a child, a daughter (drat! A girl!), Elizabeth who despite her sex (or maybe because of it!) is destined for great things.
It is interesting that Shakespeare wrote this during Queen Elizabeth's reign and because she controlled what could/could not be shown in the theatres he pandered to her.
Favorite Quotes:
Norfolk: "Heat not a furnace for your foe so hot
Buckingham: "Where you are liberal of your loves and counsels,
Be sure you be not loose; for those you make friends
And give your hearts to, when they once perceive
Queen Katherine: "They should be good men, their affairs as righteous;
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