Thursday, December 31, 2020

 Bookworm and I are embarking on a new reading challenge for 2021!!!

The Book Monopoly Challenge!!!  (Check out the "rules" below)

Book Monopoly Challenge!
(A Dice Roller can be found here

GO - Everyone starts here.

MEDITERRANEAN AVENUE: Read a book with a mostly purple cover OR a book whose title starts with M OR a book set in the Mediterranean OR a book by an author whose first and last initials can be found in “MEDITERRANEAN”

COMMMUNITY CHEST #1: Read a book by one of your favorite authors.

BALTIC AVENUE: Read a book with a mostly purple cover OR a book whose title starts with B OR a book set in/near water (Baltic Sea) OR a book by an author whose first and last initials can be found in “BALTICAVENUE”

INCOME TAX: Go to your Goodreads TBR list; read one of the first 10 books listed.

READING RAILROAD: Read a book with a train on the cover or in the story or with an X in the title or author’s name OR a book by an author whose first and last names begin with the same letter, for example Michael Morpurgo or Cleo Coyle

ORIENTAL AVENUE: Read a book with a mostly white cover OR a book whose title starts with O OR a book set in the Orient OR a book by an author whose first or last initial can be found in “ORIENTAL”

CHANCE #1: Read a book recommended by a friend/family member/co-worker.

VERMONT AVENUE: Read a book with a mostly white cover OR a book whose title starts with V OR a book set in one of the New England states (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont) OR a book by an author whose first and last initials can be found in “VERMONTAVENUE”

CONNECTICUT AVENUE: Read a book with a mostly white cover OR a book whose title starts with C OR a book whose title (no sub-titles) includes at least one set of double letters, in consecutive order OR a book by an author whose first and last initials can be found in “CONNECTICUT”

VISITING JAIL: Roll the die again, move forward and do the task for that property.

ST. CHARLES PLACE: Read a book with a mostly black cover OR a book whose title starts with S OR a book in which a character is a member of royalty OR a book by an author whose first and last initials can be found in “CHARLESPLACE”

ELECTRIC COMPANY: Read a book with a daytime scene on the cover OR a book set at least 50 years in the future OR a “light and fluffy” book.

STATES AVENUE: Read a book with a mostly black cover OR a book whose title starts with S OR a book set in the state in which you currently live (for our international friends, a book set in the country in which you live) OR a book by an author whose first or last initial can be found in “STATES”

VIRGINIA AVENUE: Read a book with a mostly black cover OR a book whose title starts with V OR a book set in one of the South Atlantic states (Florida, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Delaware) OR a book by an author whose first and last initials can be found in “VIRGINIAAVENUE”

PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD: Read a book with at least two generations of the same family OR a book set in a place you’d like to visit OR a book in which a character’s career is essential to the story.

ST. JAMES PLACE: Read a book with a mostly orange cover OR a book whose title starts with J or P OR a book set in Europe OR a book by an author whose first or last initial can be found in “STJAMES”

COMMUNITY CHEST #2: Read a book in your favorite genre.

TENNESSEE AVENUE: Read a book with a mostly orange cover OR a book whose title starts with T OR a book with a character in the music industry OR a book by an author whose name includes two sets of repeated letters (do NOT have to be consecutive – example: Livia Washburn has two Is and two As)

NEW YORK AVENUE: Read a book with a mostly orange cover OR a book whose title starts with N or Y OR a book set in a large city OR a book by an author whose first and last initials can be found in “NEWYORKAVENUE”

FREE PARKING: Read any book of your choice.

KENTUCKY AVENUE: Read a book with a mostly red cover OR a book whose title starts with K or A OR a book in which horses can be found OR a book by an author whose first or last initial can be found in “KENTUCKY”

CHANCE #2: Read a book by one of your favorite authors (NOT the same author as the previous Chance space, if you’re lucky enough to have landed on that earlier in the game)

INDIANA AVENUE: Read a book with a mostly red cover OR a book whose title starts with I OR a book in which a character is a farmer, gardener or gardens as a hobby OR a book by an author whose first and last initials can be found in “INDIANAAVENUE”

ILLINOIS AVENUE: Read a book with a mostly red cover OR a book whose title starts with A OR a book about a US president or other world leader (fiction or non-fiction) OR a book by an author whose name includes at least one set of consecutive double letters (examples: Steve BeRRy, DeBBie Macomber, Orson ScoTT Card)

B&O RAILROAD: Read a book set at least 50 years in the past OR a book by an author whose first or last name begins with B or O OR a book set in Maryland, Ohio, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Indiana or Illinois (states the B&O went through).

ATLANTIC AVENUE: Read a book with a mostly yellow cover OR a book whose title has at least two words that begin with the same letter (Example: Buried in Buttercream) OR a book set on an island in the Atlantic Ocean (see below) OR a book by an author whose first or last initial can be found in “ATLANTIC”
Use this list for the island option: Islands in the Atlantic Ocean

VENTNOR AVENUE: Read a book with a mostly yellow cover OR a book whose title starts with V or A OR a book in which a character behaves in a “yellow” (cowardly) fashion OR a book by an author whose first and last initials can be found in “VENTNORAVENUE”

WATER WORKS: Read a book which takes place on/near the water OR a book with a happy ending

MARVIN GARDENS: Read a book with a mostly yellow cover OR a book whose title starts with M or G OR a book with a garden or plant/s on the cover OR a book by an author whose first or last initial can be found in “GARDENS”

GO TO JAIL: Roll the die again; move backwards that many spaces, and complete the task for that space.

PACIFIC AVENUE: Read a book with a mostly green cover OR a book whose title starts with a P OR a book which takes place on an island in the Pacific Ocean (see link below) OR a book by an author whose first or last initial can be found in “PACIFIC”
Use this list for the island option: Islands in the Pacific Ocean

NORTH CAROLINA AVENUE: Read a book with a mostly green cover OR a book whose title starts with an N or C OR a book in which grilling or food plays an important role OR a book by an author whose first and last initials can be found in “NORTHCAROLINA”

COMMUNITY CHEST #3: Read any book from the CCC Bookshelf (found at the bottom of the group’s main page).

PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE: Read a book with a mostly green cover OR a book whose title starts with a P or A OR a book which involves a trip of some kind OR a book by an author whose first orlast initial can be found in “PENNSYLVANIA”

SHORT LINE RAILROAD: Read the shortest book on your TBR list (or the shortest you can obtain) OR a book with the word “SHORT” or “LINE” in the title OR a book with a line on the cover (just a plain, straight line).

CHANCE #3: Read a book with a Goodreads rating higher than 3.0.

PARK PLACE: Read a book with a mostly blue cover OR a book whose title starts with P, A, R or K OR a book in which at least one character is wealthy OR a book by an author whose first or last initial can be found in “PLACE”

LUXURY TAX: Go to your Goodreads TBR list and read one of the first 75 books listed.

BOARDWALK: Read a book with a mostly blue cover OR a book whose title starts with B or W ORa book in which most of the plot happens on/near a beach or vacation spot OR a book by an author whose first and last initials can be found in “BOARDWALK”

 I did it!!!!

39 plays

154 sonnets

5 (6) poems

4 Hogarth adaptations (3 more to finish in 2021)

Reading all of Shakespeare is something that I wanted to do for a long time. Thankfully the Shakespeare 2020 Project provided that opportunity. And who knew that this year would be a year that this challenge and distraction was very much welcome! 

Interestingly, Shakespeare wrote some of his most famous works during a plague and lockdown (King Lear, Macbeth and Antony & Cleopatra). While my accomplishment isn't quite as remarkable, I'm very proud to have read all his works during a pandemic and year of lockdowns!!

 The Phoenix and the Turtle by William Shakespeare
and A Funeral Elegy by W.S.

Shakespeare Project 2020

I finish out this incredible year long challenge with two poems. One by the Bard and one that for a time was thought to be by him, but most scholars have now determined it is decidedly not Shakespeare.

The Phoenix and the Turtle...
no not THAT turtle, 

yes, THAT turtle (as in dove). 

Is an allegorical poem depicting the death of ideal love in the form of two birds. 

"Reason, in itself confounded,
Saw division grow together,
To themselves yet either neither,
Simple were so well compounded;"

Other birds are mentioned (eagle, swan, crow) 

at the funeral of the two who: 

"Beauty, truth and rarity,
Grace in all simplicity,
Here enclos'd, in cinders lie."

A Funeral Elegy by W.S. was attributed to Shakespeare for a short time in the late 1980's early 1990's through a computer program analysis but scholars have since debunked that analysis.  The creator of the Shakespeare 2020 Project acknowledges this and in hindsight would not have included it.

 The Two Noble Kinsmen by William Shakespeare

Shakespeare Project 2020

It is bittersweet, this the last of Shakespeare's plays! I'm so glad that I really enjoyed this one.

Two cousins are the best of friends  until they espy a beautiful woman and then well, they vow to fight each other to the death to win her. Oh and the jailer's daughter goes mad over her unrequited love.

Third Queen: "This world's a city full of straying streets,
And death's the market-place where each one meets."

How's that BFF thing going?

Palamon: "I do not think it possible our friendship
Should ever leave us."

Arcite: "I will not, as you do, to worship her
As she is heavenly and a blessed goddess.
I love her as a woman, to enjoy her.
So both may love."

Palamon: "Friendship, blood,
And all the times between us I disclaim
If thou once think upon her."

But the battle must be legit!

Palamon: "I would have nothing hurt thee but my sword.
A bruise would be dishonor."

The BFFs prayed to the respective god/goddess (Mars & Venus) and got exactly what they wished:

Theseus: "The powerful Venus well hath graced her altar,
And given you [Palamon] your love. Our master, Mars,
Hath vouched his oracle, and to Arcite gave
The grace of the contention."

Palamon:"That we should things desire which do cost us
The loss of our desire, that naught could buy
Dear love but loss of dear love."