Sunday, January 20, 2019

The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah

Historical Fiction

2019 A to Z Challenge - "G"

Once Upon a Book Club - February 2018

What a heartbreaking, but totally worth it, read!  Hannah does a great job of getting you truly invested in each of the main characters, Leni, Cora, even Ernt as well as the Walkers, Large Marge and Mad Earl.

Alaska is beautiful, as I've seen for myself as a tourist, but Hannah brings that beauty and the dangers to life in The Great Alone.  It inspires one to want to live off the grid, live simply, from the land, BUT an outhouse - in a foot of snow, in single digit temps, yeah I probably won't be doing that anytime soon!

There is a lot to unpack in this novel; the struggles and reality of domestic violence, progress vs. keeping the familiar, love and loss.  You won't want to put it down, and have the tissues ready!

While the ending, for me, was a bit predictable (though I know a lot of people who will enjoy it) and as Bookworm said in her review, it was a bit rushed, but it didn't take away from the novel as a whole.  This was still a terrific read and I highly recommend it.

Quotes:  "'You know what they say about finding a man in Alaska - the odds are good, but the goods are odd.'"

"'It's scary that people can just stop loving you, you know.'"

"The world could tumble, change radially..., with just one less person living in it."

"'Men are stupid.  You might as well learn that now.  Look at bull moose.  They ram into each other at full speed.'"


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