Saturday, April 28, 2018

The Family Fang by Kevin Wilson

New Author

2018 A to Z Challenge - F

NY Times Best Seller, Best Book of the Year, rave reviews...I was SO looking forward to this book!!  Sadly, I was disappointed.  I found it pointless, inane, lacking the "hilarious".  It does provoke the question of Art.  What is art?  We hear it all the time in the modern art section of the museum "That's art?  I could do that!", but those words are not uttered in the classical section. People will attend a classic opera or ballet and appreciate the performance art, but what about the more obscure performances of modern dance or recitation of stream of consciousness poetry?  To me I've always believed that art is what the viewer believes in, the whole "beauty is in the eye of the beholder".  Just because someone else doesn't view something as art doesn't mean that its not.

In The Family Fang, the Fang parents are quirky performance artists that primarily cause chaos for their "art".  From the birth of their first child they have always included their children in their performances.  When the children become adults and choose not to continue with the family "art" and go their own ways, things get weird...or weirder.

I kept reading hoping the book would improve and while it kept me engaged to simply find out how it was going to end, the ending was terribly disappointing.

Quotes:  "She killed everything that needed to be killed, and when she was done, when all had been made, if not right, at least less wrong, she crawled into a cave, dark and deep, and hibernated for months, waiting for a new season to arrive and find her sated."

"Isn't that what art is, right?  It's about one thing, but its really about a lot of things."


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