Carnegie's Maid by Marie Benedict
Historical Fiction
2018 A to Z Challenge - "C"
I was drawn to this book by its genre of historical fiction (one of my favorites) and Carnegie himself, as I reside in Pittsburgh and you don't have to look far to see his mark on the city.
A fairly short book, just under 300 pages, with short chapters making it a quick and easy read. At times I felt Benedict was a bit repetitive, but it wasn't enough to distract me from the story. A bit of a love story, but it spoke more about the early immigrants' struggles in America and was a tale about the strength, intellect and limitations of a woman.
I enjoyed the fictional window into the complex life of Andrew Carnegie. I benefit from and support the wonderful library system here in Pittsburgh, have been to the Museum and Music Hall often and while the Carnegie home no longer exists, I do plan on visiting the neighboring and similar Clayton home owned by the Fricks.
Quotes: "'I am not about to stand idly by when a classist remark is doled out here in democratic America'"
"...I had never heard of a library open to the public without a hefty subscription fee."
"'I can distinctly remember standing before those bookshelves and feeling inspired and overwhelmed by the opportunities found there. I would carry my book around with me the following week, reading it in breaks snatched from my work.'"
"History often produced the grisliest of results. Simply because those events were past did not make them any more palatable."
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