Monday, August 11, 2014

The Good Good Pig by Sy Montgomery


What a good good book!!!  I had forgotten that this was a memoir and not a fictional pig story!
If I wasn't a vegetarian before, I would have become one after reading this book!! I realize not every reader will fall in love with Christopher Hogwood and have the same reaction, but hopefully readers will make wiser food choices and know where their food comes from.
So much was learned from Christopher Hogwood ~ if people would step away from their egos and the idea that we (humans) are the superior race we could not only learn from our fellow man (no matter their race or gender, etc.) as well as from all the creatures with whom we share this planet.

Quotes: "The stories reflect a sophisticated understanding of ecology.  The tiger protects the forest: fear of the tiger keeps woodsmen from cutting down all the mangroves. The mangroves protect the coastline: their limbs and leaves soften the winds of cyclones.  Their roots form nurseries for fish, which feed the people.  The people understand that without the tiger, Sundarbans could not stay whole."

"...the social strata of the high school: there were the popular jocks and jockettes, the freaks, the poseurs (who pretended to be something they weren't), and the "froseurs" (fake poseurs, every week pretending to be the new different thing they weren't)."

"The word compassion means "with suffering".  To have compassion is to willingly join in suffering - to show those you love that you will not let them suffer alone. And this is the most you can do: offer your presence."

"He taught us how to love.  How to love what life gives you - to love your slops"

"But one thing I know for sure: a great soul can appear among us at any time, in the form of any creature.  I'm keeping my eyes open."

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