Monday, July 27, 2020
Newest on TBR
#OUABC - June (fun gifts)
Delightful story about Veronica, 85 years young, who goes to Antarctica to visit penguins and falls in love with a baby penguin. (So did I ) She also talks about her past, her estranged family ,& why she has closed herself off from everyone.
Goodreads says:
Eighty-five-year-old Veronica McCreedy is estranged from her family and wants to find a worthwhile cause to leave her fortune to. When she sees a documentary about penguins being studied in Antarctica, she tells the scientists she’s coming to visit—and won’t take no for an answer. Shortly after arriving, she convinces the reluctant team to rescue an orphaned baby penguin. He becomes part of life at the base, and Veronica's closed heart starts to open.
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Historical Fiction
Interesting read about Anne Morrow Lindbergh. Her life and marriage to the American hero , Charles Lindbergh. Their lack of privacy, her expectations from her husband and the American public and the kidnapping and murder of her first born child.
When Anne Morrow, a shy college senior with hidden literary aspirations, travels to Mexico City to spend Christmas with her family, she meets Colonel Charles Lindbergh, fresh off his celebrated 1927 solo flight across the Atlantic. Enthralled by Charles’s assurance and fame, Anne is certain the aviator has scarcely noticed her. But she is wrong. Charles sees in Anne a kindred spirit, a fellow adventurer, and her world will be changed forever. The two marry in a headline-making wedding. In the years that follow, Anne becomes the first licensed female glider pilot in the United States. But despite this and other major achievements, she is viewed merely as the aviator’s wife. The fairy-tale life she once longed for will bring heartbreak and hardships, ultimately pushing her to reconcile her need for love and her desire for independence, and to embrace, at last, life’s infinite possibilities for change and happiness.
Oldest on TBR
Just a fun, quirky book about the fall of Humpty Dumpty. Detective Jack Spratt and Mary Mary from the Nursery Crime Division, are on the case.
Did Mr. Dumpty fall or was it something more sinister??
Detective Spratt has a bit of a reputation as he helped catch the psycho serial killer, The Gingerbread Man.
As I said it is a bit quirky, but it got tiring near the end. I will read the second in the series (thank goodness there are only 2 in the Nursery crime series) titled The Fourth Bear.
It's Easter in Reading—a bad time for eggs—and no one can remember the last sunny day. Ovoid D-class nursery celebrity Humpty Stuyvesant Van Dumpty III, minor baronet, ex-convict, and former millionaire philanthropist, is found shattered to death beneath a wall in a shabby area of town. All the evidence points to his ex-wife, who has conveniently shot herself.
But Detective Inspector Jack Spratt and his assistant Mary Mary remain unconvinced, a sentiment not shared with their superiors at the Reading Police Department, who are still smarting over their failure to convict the Three Pigs of murdering Mr. Wolff. Before long Jack and Mary find themselves grappling with a sinister plot involving cross-border money laundering, bullion smuggling, problems with beanstalks, titans seeking asylum, and the cut and thrust world of international chiropody.
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Ah, It is so nice to visit with old friends!
Lady Darby and Sebastian Gage!!
This is the 6th in this delightful series. We travel to Ireland and learn more about Sebastian's past.
Sebastian Gage returns home to battle the ghosts of his past and prevent them from destroying his future with Kiera in the latest exciting installment in this national bestselling series.
July 1831. It's been fifteen years since Sebastian Gage has set foot in Langstone Manor. Though he has shared little with his wife, Lady Kiera Darby, about his past, she knows that he planned never to return to the place of so many unhappy childhood memories. But when an urgent letter from his grandfather reaches them in Dublin, Ireland, and begs Gage to visit, Kiera convinces him to go.
Oh, Nadia, Nadia.!
My heart hurt for you when your mother committed suicide and you were only 17. Then I was rooting for you when you went off to college, but you disappointed me in your late 20's.
Having said all that, I still did not feel connected to any of the characters and ALL of their drama. Another in the Domestic Fiction Genre.
I do look forward to reading "The Vanishing Half" by Ms. Bennett.
It is the last season of high school life for Nadia Turner, a rebellious, grief-stricken, seventeen-year-old beauty. Mourning her own mother's recent suicide, she takes up with the local pastor's son. Luke Sheppard is twenty-one, a former football star whose injury has reduced him to waiting tables at a diner. They are young; it's not serious. But the pregnancy that results from this teen romance—and the subsequent cover-up—will have an impact that goes far beyond their youth. As Nadia hides her secret from everyone, including Aubrey, her God-fearing best friend, the years move quickly. Soon, Nadia, Luke, and Aubrey are full-fledged adults and still living in debt to the choices they made that one seaside summer, caught in a love triangle they must carefully maneuver, and dogged by the constant, nagging question: What if they had chosen differently? The possibilities of the road not taken are a relentless haunt.
Friday, July 24, 2020
#monthlykeywordchallenge - June
What awesome people live in Gander , Newfoundland and the surrounding towns. When 911 happened, 38 planes were forced to land in Gander. The townspeople welcomed them with open arms, fed them, clothed them, and even invited some of these strangers into there homes.
I hope to see the musical that is inspired by this book.
Goodreads :
"For the better part of a week, nearly every man, woman, and child in Gander and the surrounding smaller towns stopped what they were doing so they could help. They placed their lives on hold for a group of strangers and asked for nothing in return. They affirmed the basic goodness of man at a time when it was easy to doubt such humanity still existed.
The small suburb of Pleasant Court lives up to its name. It's the kind of place where everyone knows their neighbours, and children play in the street.
Isabelle Heatherington doesn't fit into this picture of family paradise. Husbandless and childless, she soon catches the attention of three Pleasant Court mothers.
But Ange, Fran and Essie have their own secrets to hide. Like the reason behind Ange's compulsion to control every aspect of her life. Or why Fran won't let her sweet, gentle husband near her new baby. Or why, three years ago, Essie took her daughter to the park - and returned home without her.
As their obsession with their new neighbour grows, the secrets of these three women begin to spread - and they'll soon find out that when you look at something too closely, you see things you never wanted to see.
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Quotes: "'Their argument with us is whatever will serve their purpose at any given moment. They don't know what it is they can't abide, only that they can't.'"
"'The habit of conscientiousness in itself ministers to goodness.'"
Saturday, July 18, 2020

Thursday, July 16, 2020
Once Upon a Book Club - January 2020
New Author
I desperately wanted to like this book. I've read some other historical fiction about female pilots in WWII and they are some amazingly brave and badass women! And I did enjoy the character of Juliet who was inspired by real life spitfire, Mary Ellis. But, there were a lot, A LOT of typographical and grammatical errors (that would have easily been found in a spellcheck or a good proofreader) that proved to be way too distracting for me.
Then of course there was some cheesy romance which I'm not a fan of: "..who, within less than an hour of meeting [ ], had fallen madly in love with her." Oh, come on!!!!
Quotes: "...remember that the first throws of love are nothing more than obsession...And never let a man know how deeply you love him, because once he has the upper hand, he will break your heart in a single moment and not even pause as he steps over your broken body to move onto the next."
"I realized that it was time to start looking forward rather than constantly glancing over my shoulder trying to keep focused view of the past in sight."
Sunday, July 12, 2020