Shakespeare 2020 Project
Part 3 showcases the final battles of the War of the Roses: Red representing Lancaster and White representing York. It was tough keeping everything straight: who was king (Henry then Edward then Henry oh wait now Edward), who was on which side (wishy Warwick, conniving Clarence) and who was dead! Though admittedly there were less deaths and beheadings than in Part 2 (18), but 11 is still a mighty number of stabbings and some guys were stabbed multiple times by multiple people just for good measure!
I have a soft spot in my heart for Henry, who just wanted to live a peaceful life, yet wars were being fought all around him and for him. His queen, Margaret, was ruthless and at times heartless (except when lamenting her son's death when she truly lost her heart), but never underestimate her:
Richard: "A woman's general; what should we fear?"
Oh only an army of 30,000 men and her kicking your butt!
I struggled more with "Wind-changing Warwick" who changes sides on a whim and who in battle: "I lay me down a little while to breathe;" yet when called out on his lack of courage: "I'll kill my horse, because I will not fly...I'll never pause again, never stand still..." yeah, right!
And Richard, ooh, pure evil Richard! "Why, I can smile, and murder whiles I smile." He has much more in store in the plays to come: "Counting myself but bad till I be best."
Even though I wrangled with Warwick, he had some of my favorite lines:
" we how we can, yet die we must."
"I had rather chop this hand off at a blow,
and with the other fling it at thy face,"
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