Saturday, September 7, 2019

Lily and the Octopus by Steven Rowley


2019 September Motif - Animal, Number, Color, Name

What can I say?  Nothing! Throw you a bone at least?  Nope, can't do it!  Even a kibble of info would be too much of a spoiler.  The book is a bit quirky and there are some metaphorical moments, but they don't take over the book, at least not to the point of being lost in the metaphor.

I laughed, I made eye rain and I hugged my very non-Lily-like canine buddy, Leo (even if he did pull away from me, the jerk).  I give this book 4 out of 5 woofs!!

Summary from GoodReads:  Combining the emotional depth of The Art of Racing in the Rain with the magical spirit of The Life of PiLily and the Octopus is an epic adventure of the heart.

The magic of this novel is in the read.  This is a story about that special someone: the one you trust, the one you can’t live without. For Ted Flask, that someone special is his aging companion Lily, who happens to be a dog.

Quotes:  "...purebred dogs come with these health issues, as they've been genetically mutated for purpose or show."

"'You okay?'...'Okay adjacent.'"

"'Death is a unique opponent, in that death always wins.'"

"A heart is judged not by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others."

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