Saturday, September 21, 2019

Judge & Jury by James Patterson & Andrew Gross

Guilty Pleasure
2019 A to Z Challenge - "J"

Summary from When a single mom and aspiring actress ends up on an important jury, she must team up with an FBI agent to hunt down a vicious and powerful mob boss.

Guilty pleasure or rather a reading palate cleanser this was (or as one reviewer called it literature junk food), but beyond that....It's much like watching an action flick.  You watch it for the anticipation of action you can foresee, the exhilaration of the chase, but not for any depth in character or for any thought-provoking subplot.

Patterson's books are quick and easy reads.  Short chapters, short succinct sentences - not quite a movie script, but close.  It wasn't a bad book (though there were some really far-fetched scenarios), it was a typical Patterson book and I guess I've gone beyond him.  Especially when there are other suspense/thriller writers that write with more depth and meaning.

I'm also not overly into legal thrillers, considering I work in the legal field it's not much of an escapism for me!  But this book was on my shelf and it fit my J challenge!

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