Saturday, March 16, 2019

Cockroaches by Jo Nesbo

2019 A to Z Challenge - "C"

Well, the Thailand Tourism Authority won't be contacting Nesbo any time soon, that's for sure!  I don't know if he was just trying to paint a seedier Thailand to go with the plot or if he really dislikes Thailand, but I know people who have visited there and it's not nearly as bad as Nesbo describes it.

In this one, a Norwegian ambassador is found murdered in a Bangkok motel and Harry is sent to "solve" the case. The whole thing takes place over the course of about 3 weeks.

As is often the case with 1) translated books from another language, in this instance Norwegian and 2) books set in foreign lands, I got lost in some of the names, places, etc.  And then I got lost with the plot.  I believe Nesbo tries to put in quite a few red herrings so the reader cannot figure out the who-dun-it quickly and easily, but I found myself very distracted, yet unsurprised by the reveal of the murderer.  There are some confusing financial motives tossed around and a lot of characters to keep track of throughout.  Let's just say, I hope the series improves because there are 10 more to go!!

Quotes:  "Just that powerful men have a tendency to bend laws in their favor."

"This is pretty hard to follow, Harry." 
My thoughts exactly!!!

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