Saturday, April 11, 2020

Lost Lake by Sarah Addison Allen

2020 Key Word Challenge - April (Lost, Below, City, Jewel, Night, My)
Guilty Pleasure

Sarah Addison Allen weaves mystical tales with characters you wish you could know and places you wish you could visit. While for me some of the romance in this one was a bit hokey, it didn't take away from the enjoyable story as a whole.

Summary from Goodreads: ...a beautiful, haunting story of old loves and new, and the power of the connections that bind us forever...

The first time Eby Pim saw Lost Lake, it was on a picture postcard. Just an old photo and a few words on a small square of heavy stock, but when she saw it, she knew she was seeing her future.

That was half a life ago. Now Lost Lake is about to slip into Eby's past. Her husband George is long passed. Most of her demanding extended family are gone. All that's left is a once-charming collection of lakeside cabins succumbing to the Southern Georgia heat and damp, and an assortment of faithful misfits drawn back to Lost Lake year after year by their own unspoken dreams and desires.

Lost Lake is where Kate Pheris spent her last best summer at the age of twelve, before she learned of loneliness, and heartbreak, and loss. Now she's all too familiar with those things, but she knows about hope too, thanks to her resilient daughter Devin, and her own willingness to start moving forward. Perhaps at Lost Lake her little girl can cling to her own childhood for just a little longer... and maybe Kate herself can rediscover something that slipped through her fingers so long ago.

One after another, people find their way to Lost Lake, looking for something that they weren't sure they needed in the first place: love, closure, a second chance, peace, a mystery solved, a heart mended. Can they find what they need before it's too late?

Quotes:"...felt sorry for him, the way she'd always felt sorry for those who had everything and it still wasn't enough."

"'Magic is what we invent when we want something we think we can't have....'"

"'...relying on one person for your every need is so dangerous.'"

"When your cup is empty, you do not mourn what is gone. Because if you do, you will miss the opportunity to fill it again."

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