Sunday, July 30, 2017

A Strange Companion by Lisa Manterfield

Once About a Book Club - June 2017 Selection

A quick read, more romance than I prefer, but with an indepth topic of grief.  What happens to the soul of those who have passed?  How do we move on from the loss?

Manterfield did a good job of writing in such a fashion that the book almost had a suspense atmosphere that kept you turning the pages.

This is a subscription service which provides gifts along your reading journey.  The gifts are unique to the story itself and were a lot of fun to open along the way.  A way of bringing the story to life.

Quote:  "I had my family and my friends, plenty of people who cared. And so why did I suddenly feel like a remote island, marked clearly on a map for everyone to see, but so far out to sea that no one really new what existed there?"

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