Sunday, June 18, 2017

Marlene by Julie Buntin

Bookly Box Subscription - April - Literary Fiction

Not exactly what I was expecting, and with some hesitation I say I liked the book.  It was a slow crescendo of character development to the "climax", though in the end it was rather anti-climatic.  I did struggle with some of the timeline.  The chapters alternated between present and past, but the narrator interjected the past with her present day thoughts which at times, was confusing.

I think the draw to this book is the reader's connection to the tumultuous times as a teenager.  Wanting to be liked, the difficulties of body image, the good girl wanting to be bad, first romances/crushes, teenage girl friendships that you presume will last forever.

I think I liked this book because it took me down memory lane, not that my teenage years reflected those of Cat or Marlena, but the emotional roller coaster of those times.  I closed the book feeling very melancholy.

Quotes: "Privilege is something to be aware of, to fight to see beyond, but ultimately to be grateful for.  It's like a bulletproof vest, it makes you harder to kill.:

" many people cultivate that air of intensity cut with indifference"

"She thought marriage was a 'manly' and offensive concept"

"When you grow up, who you were as a teenager either takes on a mythical importance or its completely laughable"

"Now it strikes me as a profoundly American thing - an epidemic that started as an abuse of the cure, a disease we made ourselves"

"...because I was still here.  I was right here, where he'd left me."

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