Saturday, April 1, 2017

Away by Amy Bloom

2017 Reading Challenge - book by an immigrant or with a central immigration narrative.

This was a two-fer for me. I had selected this book in our regular book club and it just so happened to fit the theme of the reading challenge - immigration narrative.

I have had this book on my club selection list for awhile and was SO looking forward to it! While I don't read detailed reviews, I do a little research on my book selections through book club websites, noting the book's popularity with clubs and their ratings. The book jacket seemed intriguing so it seemed like a good selection!

While I'm not a prude (I've read my share of erotica), I was taken aback by the few, but VERY detailed sex scenes in Bloom's book. I certainly don't mind erotica, but I know what I am getting when I choose to read that genre. It's another thing when I choose a historical, literary fiction book and discover erotica scenes that really were not necessary. The messages could have been conveyed with less detail and written innuendos. I felt Bloom did a disservice to the reader.

Aside from the surprise sex scenes, I never really connected to the characters. The end of the book felt terribly rushed compared to the drawn out detail of the first 1/2. The rushing of the final chapters also made the plot seem terribly unrealistic. Sadly, I waited a long time to savor this book and found myself terribly disappointed.

Quotes: "I think the most important thing in the world is being brave, I'd rather be brave than beautiful."

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