Saturday, May 21, 2016

Innocence by Dean Koontz

Guilty Pleasure

Starting out I did not enjoy this book as it seemed to display Dean Koontz's weird sci-fi/horror style that I don't necessarily care for, but I am glad I persevered (thanks to Bookworm's insistence).  This is a book that I can't say much about as I don't want to spoil the ending.  You spend most of the time in the book wondering what/who the heck the main character is and not finding out till the very end.  While that in itself can be frustrating, Dean Koontz's writing style makes up for the angst the reader feels in being left in the dark most of the novel.  Koontz's imagery is amazing and the depth he can reach within a reader is mind blowing and at times intensely personal.  This is a book that will stay with me for a long time and I dare say may be life changing as I will be more aware of my choices and their consequences.

Quotes:  "...the sky poured out such torrents that the city was a drum set...dumpsters throbbing like tom-toms, garbage-can lids swishing as the wind swirled bursts of rain in imitation of a drummer brush-stroking the batter head of a snare."

"His voiced sounded as though he lived entirely on mayonnaise and butter but never quite cleared his throat of them..."

" the first instant of the universe, all of time was present, all our yesterday and today and all our tomorrows, everyone and everything that was and ever would be existed at that moment."

"...those who loved truth even if they didn't always speak it, who struggled daily toward an ideal that they might never reach, but for which they yearned.  There was hatred among people, but there was also love, bitter envy but also gladness for the fortune of others, greed but also charity, rage but also compassion."

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